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Dayspring Clinic partnered with Navjeevan Community Development Society to conduct a Paediatric and Eye Consultation & Checkup camp on the 10th of August 2024. The staff of Dayspring Clinic and Navjeevan Community Development Society came together to extend the consultation and checkup for free for a day in Chattarpur Pahari. The camp was held from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM. The local community participated enthusiastically in the camp. Over 50 patients availed the Paediatric & eye consultation & checkup, laboratory and pharmacy services, etc. Medicines and laboratory tests were dispensed at a concessional rate.

It was a wonderful opportunity for us to once again render our service to our local community. We hope to have more such camps in the coming months. We are grateful for the support and co-operation we received from our local community in Chattarpur Pahari. We hope our services will bring healing into the lives of many.